Making More Time for What You Really Want Ebook

  • Self-Discovery and Happiness:

    • Create a happiness list by identifying what truly makes you happy.
    • Recognize and address the factors that make you miserable, differentiating between what can be changed and what must be tackled head-on.
  • Scheduling for What Matters:

    • Prioritize what you want to do by scheduling it, not just your obligations.
    • Examples include scheduling time for exercise, hobbies, and self-care, which ultimately enhance your overall well-being.
  • Becoming Time-Aware:

    • Maintain a time log for a few days to understand how you spend your time.
    • Awareness of time usage enables you to regain control and "make" time for what you want by altering habits.
  • Identifying Time Sucks:

    • Recognize common time-wasting activities such as procrastination and distractions.
    • Create a list of these activities, and replace them with more productive and fulfilling habits.
  • Practical Tips for Time Management:

    • Put 'me-time' on your schedule first to ensure you prioritize your needs.
    • Conquer procrastination with a timer to make tasks more efficient.
    • Minimize distractions by creating a focused work environment.
    • Consider deletion or delegation of tasks to free up time for what truly matters.

This eBook empowers you to rediscover the joy in your life by helping you identify your true desires, reclaim time for yourself, and overcome common time-wasting habits.


$27.00 USD

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