What are you here for now?

trusting yourself Feb 23, 2024

What do you want to be known for? And what are you here for?

These questions.

Why do they stop me in my tracks? 

Because I don’t always know the answer, and it assumes that we're here for a reason. 

These are weighty questions. They imply that we're here for a reason, and each of us has a purpose.

Some scoff at this, dismissing the idea that your purpose is nonsense. Existentialists might argue that life is inherently meaningless.

But for me, it’s important to give meaning to life.  

Sometimes, it's as simple as asking what I want from life. What makes me uniquely me? What talents and skills do I bring to the table?

Are you searching for meaning in your life?

If so, you're not alone. In a world that's crazy and troubled, it's a good question to ask yourself. Knowing your purpose and why you're here can guide and keep you grounded. It's also true that finding your true purpose can seem like an impossible task. But it's worth coming back to so that you...

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Feeling the Fear: Adventures of a Woman Traveling Alone


"Do the thing you think you cannot do: “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face."   Eleanor Roosevelt

Traveling alone as a woman can be an exhilarating and transformative experience. 

It offers a unique opportunity to discover the world on your terms, pushing your boundaries and gaining a profound sense of self-reliance. 

In this blog post, we'll explore my journey traveling alone, highlighting the empowering aspects and offering tips for a safe and enjoyable solo adventure.

Empowerment through Independence

I had traveled alone in Europe, but it had been many years. I was nervous, scared, and aware that I’d make all the decisions by myself…a thing that always makes me nervous.

My solo adventure was for only two days. I left the friends I’d been traveling with for two weeks in Greece and flew to Rome.  I‘d booked a room near the Vatican. The host had...

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How to Unlock the Power of Manifestation to Create a Life You Love

Do you feel your life could be headed in a better direction? Are you wondering what steps you can take to make something happen and take control of your future? 

The power of manifestation can work wonders for anyone wanting to create lasting, meaningful change in their lives.  As empowering as manifesting is, it can be difficult to understand if no one has previously guided you on how the process works. 

If you’ve spent days, months, or even years trying to manifest your dreams and find yourself missing the mark, then it's time to turn things around with the power of manifestation. 

Manifestation allows us to access our innermost creativity and wisdom so that we can bring about amazing changes in our lives. 

Whether it's manifesting more money, having the relationship of your dreams, traveling around the world, or having more energy to keep up with your grandkids, when you learn how to correctly harness the energy of manifestation, anything is...

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Why You Canā€™t Afford to Wait for the Right TimeĀ 


When it comes to taking the next step in your life...whether that’s starting a new career, taking the trip of a lifetime, having a hard conversation with someone you love, or something else entirely...many of us suffer from procrastination.

We tell ourselves we'll do it “one day,” when the timing is just right. But what if now is the perfect time for you to make your dream a reality?

What if this moment holds infinite possibilities and you can't afford to wait any longer? Don’t listen to the self-doubt that holds you back. Trust yourself. 

Living your best life means taking risks and it means not waiting for the right time.

Not waiting to go for your dreams and live on your own terms involves pushing past fear and doubt.

It's scary to think that we can actually get what we want, which is why it’s so common for us to allow our inner critic or saboteurs to convince us to wait for the right time to do what we want.  

There are so...

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The New Year and Caring for Your Soul

The new year is a time of new beginnings when the slate is clean and we get to start over. It's the time when people are making goals, going on fitness programs, and deciding to start the year in a blaze of activity. 

Yes and...

It may not be that way for all of us. 

Some of us are in slow mode.

If you're like me, you don't want to do anything except take a nap, lie down, be quiet, and read a book. Raise your hand if you feel like this. 

It’s stormy and rainy in northern California right now and all I want to do is go slow and not think about what I "need" to do. 

Normally I have loads of energy and I'm ready to start the new year full-on with goals for what I want to achieve and do. I've usually figured out my word for the year to remind me to stay on track.

This year, not so much. I'm not motivated. At all. 

I decided to ask my future self (something I do every morning) about why I feel so slow and she said, "well, think about it, Jo."


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Why is self care so hard to remember?

Why do we forget that self-care is the most important thing we can do for ourselves, for our sanity, our well-being, and our health? 

If it’s so important, then why aren’t we all doing everything in our power to relax, chill out, and set aside time no matter what happens? 

Years ago when I was in the midst of parenting my teenage sons, I remember my coach asking me, what do you do for self-care? 

It took me a few seconds to blurt out, "uh, what do you mean exactly"? 

She patiently replied, "you know, how do you take care of yourself? What do you do just for yourself?" 

I was totally blank.

I could not identify one thing. Because I was so busy running a household, working in a mental health clinic as well as starting my own private practice, and trying my best to be a good mom and wife.

It was a lot. 

And in the process...I forgot about me. 

Starting my self-care journey

So I began my journey of focusing on myself after that time....

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The surprises I had when I became a mother

I've been privileged to be a mother and now a grandmother. My story may sound familiar and it might sound strange but I tell it to emphasize how mothers can learn so much about themselves and the surprises that happen along the way. 

This photo was taken a few years ago when my first two granddaughters were babies. I treasure these very special moments with them. 

When I was a little girl, I didn't think about becoming a mother, I just played with dolls and assumed I'd be a mother one day.

The joy of having my firstborn son

The moment I held my firstborn son in my arms, I knew something inside of me radically shifted forever.  It was as if fairy dust had been sprinkled over me as I completely and unforgivably fell in love. 

Andrew was big ...9 pounds and 4 oz. The labor was rough but I was determined to have this baby naturally. And I did. In fact, when it came time to push, I heard the doctor say, “we're going to have to use...

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