10 Tiny Decluttering Steps You Can Take Today

Clearing your clutter is a great form of self-care because all of the things no longer serving you are draining your energy and affecting your health.

If you take tiny steps to let go of excess stuff, you can make space for things you do want in your life.  

If you’ve been procrastinating on a home decluttering project, chances are that the reason behind your hesitation is feeling overwhelmed or just not knowing where to start. Those things can trip anyone up on the road to organization. When you find yourself stuck in a pattern of avoidance, the best method to change that pattern is to start with small tasks. Even doing just one little thing is progress.

To help you along your way, consider one of these dozen tiny decluttering steps you can take today. 

Clear Just One Surface

Clear your kitchen table. If that’s too overwhelming, choose a segment of your countertop. Make it a surface you see daily, and be sure to keep it spotless. 

Empty a Shelf

Now that you have a surface cleared that you will see every day to provide you with motivation, you can move on to another small task. Empty just one shelf. Remember to continue to keep it neat.  

Designate a Paper Zone

Nothing accumulates and gets out of control like papers. Designate an area as a catchall for your paperwork, and always place new papers in that ray or box.

Find Homes for 5 Things

We all have a few items that never seem to get put away. Carefully choose your five most commonly left-out items, and find special places to store them. 

Donate Three Pieces of Clothing

Clothes are often the worst to declutter. Choose just three pieces to give away each day while getting ready. Soon you’ll have a bag full. 

Dump One Drawer

Pick just one drawer in your home to declutter. Then dump it out. This lets you see everything at a glance and makes the sorting process easier.  

Organize Your Medicines

Medicine, bandages, and other health supplies should be kept together. Tackle just your medicine cabinet, creating a neat and tidy place to keep the up-to-date items you use most regularly.

Create a Simple File System

 Remember that paper zone? Soon it will overflow. Designate just a few file folders to hold your most common categories of paperwork. Then sort through the documents in your tray to file them quickly in their place.  

Take That Bin to the Car

Once you have a few tiny tasks underway, you’ll likely end up with a sizeable amount of stuff to donate. Take the bag or box out to your car to deliver to the thrift shop. See how easy it is to get rid of stuff?

Picture Your Finished Room

These small decluttering tasks are adding up. Take a look around and picture how your room might look when completely pared down and organized. Visualization is a powerful motivator. 

Taking small decluttering steps is easy. It's the way to big life changes and having the life you've always dreamed of. 

Over to you:

Pick 2 things from this list and do this today. Remember, one of the best forms of self-care is to free yourself of clutter. 

Ready to live clutter-free? Here are the ways that we can work together to finally get rid of all the things that are no longer serving you. 

FREE 5 Day Clutter-Free Challenge

I’ll guide you to declutter in just 10 minutes a day! It's so easy and fun. This challenge will fire you up and help you get rid of all the stuff you don't want anymore AND help you bring in what you do want into your life.  

Join me and let go of the things that hold you back!

Join the waitlist for the FREE 5-day challenge.

1:1 Coaching To Declutter

Don't want to declutter in a group?  Maybe you have something bigger to let go of…mental or emotional clutter. 

I’m offering private coaching sessions to help you declutter whatever you need to in your life. 

Work with me 1:1 to reach your declutter goals.  Go here and make an appointment with me today. Don't wait. 

Related Posts: 

Decluttering and Letting Go...Even When You Don’t Want To

How to Handle Decluttering Overwhelm

3 Powerful Reasons To De-Clutter Your Home

16 Ways To Declutter Your Digital Life Now

How To Tackle The Shame Of Clutter

Lies We Tell Ourselves About Letting Go Of Things

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