Is The Road You're On The One That You Want?

live your best life Nov 25, 2021

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did." ~ Mark Twain

Every time I hear this quote, I feel the strong pull of examining what’s going right and what isn’t in my life. I know how important it is to get clear about what I really want. 

Taking stock of your life

Are you on track to not be disappointed with your life?  In other words, are you taking stock of your life and making sure that you have things that really bring you joy? Is this the road that you want?

If your answer is yes, Kudos! What's your plan to make the things that you haven't done yet happen? 

If your answer is no…

Then let’s walk through this together. 

It’s not always easy. 

When life has been cruel, it’s easy to think that you will fail if you try to have the life you've imagined.  Sometimes it’s easier to not think about the things that are messed up in your life.

“Let’s just move on” you might hear yourself say. 

If you've been beaten up and hammered this year...why bother trying to create what you DO want in life? And you may be thinking, what makes me think I can manifest anything I want? 

Well, here's why...

Making a plan to get what you want

If we don't take charge and have a plan it's the same thing as planning to fail. Or it's the same thing as giving in to the idea that we don't deserve to have what we want or we just can't manifest what we want. 

What if you WERE able to create what you want in your life, despite everything going sideways this year, what if it was possible that you could have what you want in life? You might be amazed that indeed, you do know how to manifest.  

When it’s hard to plan for what you want, here are some things you can do:

  1. Take stock of where you’ve been and where you want to go in life
  2. Reflect on what’s missing, what you long for, and what you’re not doing that you’ll regret later if you don’t do it? 

Ask yourself these questions:

 What's going well in my life now? 

What do I want? 

What do I want to change? 

What gets in the way of what I want? 

The steps to having what you want

Decide right now to believe in yourself, that you have the power to make things happen. 

Know yourself. 

If you’ve survived trauma or something unexpected in your life, then congratulate yourself. If you got through the bad thing, then you have the capability to create what you want. 

But before you even start down that road of manifesting,  there's something you might have to address first. 

You have to believe that you can create what you want. 

 Ways to manifest what you want

1. Get clear on what you wantSpend quiet time thinking about this. Journal about it, dream big and allow yourself to have what you want. Don't rush this process. Dream big.

2. Don’t know what you want or are afraid you can’t have it? Then imagine a fairy godmother and that she will remove all obstacles for you. If she gave you 3 wishes, what would they be?  

3. Give yourself permission to have your dreams. Let go of any doubts you have about having what you want.  Tell your saboteurs or inner critics to take a break while you’re dreaming about your perfect life. 

4. Put a date on it. This is super important because you don’t want the perfect house, relationship, job, or whatever you desire to show up 5 years from now. You probably want it sooner than later.

Affirmations to use: 

I’m choosing to follow my dreams

I can create the life I want even though I’ve had many obstacles & hardships

I deserve to have happiness in my life

Now it’s your turn:

Today I challenge you to trust that what you want is valid and real. And that you can have it. 

Some resources for you: 

If you're hesitating about doing what you know you want, go read this post: 

Three simple ways that you can listen to and trust your inner wisdom

How to say goodbye to heartbreak to create your best life

Download my 10 steps to manifest what you want guide

Make 2022 your best year yet

Want to really get serious about not recreating the things that didn’t bring you joy this year? 

Come with me on a unique one-of-a-kind retreat where you’ll review your year and step into 2022 with a plan of how you’ll live your best life. 

Go here to find out more and sign up

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